I spent the evening with a couple of good friends,
John and Mark, to watch Fight Club, a
1999 movie starring Brad Pitt and Ed Norton. We watched There
Will Be Blood together a few years ago and enjoyed the fellowship so much that we wanted to meet again.I guess the theme of these evenings would be
“profiles in male character” or “case studies on the male experience in U.S. culture.” Fight
Club yielded a good post-viewing conversation about the emasculation of the
postmodern American male and the search for identity more broadly.I’m sure we could have found other
interesting aspects of this evocative film, but we no
doubt picked up on the salient points the director wanted to make.I won’t be doing the film justice here; I'm not offering a complete commentary on the movie. Instead, I’m simply conveying what we got out of
it.You eventually find out that Tyler
Durden, the Brad Pitt character, is a mental projection of the main
character and narrator, played by Norton. I didn’t see that coming.In a telling scene, Durden observes that men
are no longer hunters and gatherers, but consumers barraged by images of the "perfect male" in Calvin Klein ads (my paraphrasing, mind you). So the wild and carefree Tyler, the narrator's id, starts a “fight club” that becomes popular
among males seeking to prove their manhood in a sensitized urban culture lost
in consumerism.
John wondered if we’ve made some gains since the
1990s in addressing the feminization of our contemporary society or
whether we’ve fully absorbed these cultural changes and don’t think about them
anymore.Have the social engineers of a
less aggressive and more effeminate society been successful?Fight
Club portrays testicular cancer victims going through therapy after castration, and there
are a couple of scenes in which a male is threatened with emasculation.That is, the filmmaker conveys the idea of a
society that’s been neutered.On a not-unrelated note, my wife informs me that 40% of women are taking
over the role of head of household. Yet, as I've written elsewhere, you can’t so readily tame our natural instincts, since the Homo sapiens has been around far longer than civilization. More to the point, the male of the species has an anatomy and hardwiring to survive his environment and spread his gene pool. For
what it’s worth, my bons amis and I reject these efforts at feminizing every aspect of our
culture.Must it be a sum-zero
game?Must the empowerment of women come
at the expense of a man’s masculinity? The Marlboro Man has ridden off into the sunset and won't be allowed to return until he loses the cigarette and starts donning metrosexual garb. Anyway,
we three guys had a delightful time sitting in Mark’s living room sipping little
cups of cappuccino that he had prepared like a good host and nibbling on pan
bread that John had cooked up in the kitchen before the movie. We started a bit late because Mark had to tend
to his two-year-old daughter while his wife was at work.