Saturday, June 10, 2017


Our weeklong vacation went without a hitch, fortunately. We had no issues, situations, or accidents. We both agreed that the bus ride from Chicago to Wisconsin upon our return was the worst part of the trip. Tired from the long flight, we had to wait for what seemed like an eternity for the bus at O’Hare. Then, traffic between Illinois and Wisconsin was backed up and the bus driver took a detour through side roads. If that’s the worst part and indeed the only low point, our week adventure was successful. I had a few objectives for this trip: have my fill of döner kebabs, touch base with some associates, and see a few new things.

Above all, I wanted to spend time with Jessi. I didn’t really any choices for travel other than Germany. Istanbul would be nice, but it's not recommended these days. Having some familiarity with the culture, language, transportation system, and layout of the land is no doubt key to success; I didn’t want to repeat the confusion we experienced on our first few days in Japan some years ago. I enjoy her company and perspective. I think she gets amused at the way I hold myself in conversations with other adults. One evening in the hotel room I overheard her talking to Cody, her boyfriend, on the phone. How could I not in this small room? Anyway, it was for some reason gratifying to hear her share her experiences of the day. I hope we can travel to another land in the not-too-distant future, though chances are slim. She stands upon the threshold of a new life: one devoted to military training, career, and ultimately family. Only time will tell. I also want to travel to faraway places with my other daughters in the coming years, if they're up for it.