Anyone who employs the word so in an expression of gratitude, as in "Thank you so much!"
Any dude who wears Speedos, let alone thongs, with the possible exception of these two fine Aryan specimens, who strike me as exceedingly handsome and indeed a credit to their race.
People who broadcast what they don't like with bumper stickers.
Anybody without self-cognizance and humility.
People who use demeaning terms of endearment like sweetheart, dear, and honey.
People who engage in ostensible dialogue with others but who are really delivering a soliloquy.
My uncle Willard when he's milking the cows.
Those who see things in black and white.
Those who see the greys in life and are indecisive and pusillanimous.
The entire town of Harloweville, Alabama.
People with an axe to grind, who grind their teeth at night, or who like to grind on the dance floor.
Those with violent tendencies (who in my opinion should be taken out and shot).
A drunkard at a bar mitzvah.
Intolerant people.
People who fancy themselves tolerant of all other viewpoints.
People who talk about their ailments all the time.
Murderers and rapists.
That guy with an unctuous smile who seems overly friendly and who always seems to be bumping into you "by chance" in the fruit section of the grocery store.
Any male who uses the word cute.
Crazed warmongers and mindless pacifists.
Someone who employs the word frickin' at the beginning of every other sentence.
Hillbillies on a canoe trip.
Hillbillies in general.
Those monstrosities who wear their heart on their sleeve, are all thumbs, and, lest you think I'm being metaphorical, their face looks like a butt.
People who use the word lest.
People who don't think it's funny when you make a reference to having sex with chimpanzees, even if the context and delivery made it clear that you were joking and you've since then apologized for this indiscretion over and over.
College professors or adjuncts who use the classroom as a vehicle to propagate their partisan viewpoints and denigrate others, implicitly or explicitly.
People with short-term memory loss, including people with short-term memory loss.
People whose fake British accent is virtually the same as their fake Australian accent.
Males who've read or watched Twilight on their own initiative.
Anyone who thinks Edward is hotter than Jacob. No way.
Those who grab their crotch or pick their nose or who simultaneously grab their crotch and pick their nose in a public setting.
Anyone who uses the word rectum when they really mean anus, and vice-versa.