I took my daughter Jessi to her interview with
Congresswoman ______ at the state capital today.She needs a congressional appointment for the
Naval Academy in Annapolis.It was a
pleasant experience, and her interview went well.Afterwards we went to Starbucks on the
capital square and walked around the capital building to talk about the
interview and her plans for college.The
Naval Academy is one of three options she’s pursuing.Jessi will graduate from high school in June.The congresswoman, who recently won a
senatorial race, popped out of the office and went right up to shake Jessi’s
hand and say hello.That was a highlight
for Jessi, and me too. The swim coach at
the Naval Academy has great interest in Jessi, so we’ll see what happens.From a parental point of view, I like this
option the best, as her college experiences would be taken care of.In January I plan to make a trip with her to
visit Annapolis and Washington and Lee University in Virginia.