There’s a war going on!We’re being besieged every day.The enemy is cunning and ruthless, highly
skilled in the art of deception.These invaders
won’t be satisfied until they’ve breached our defenses and force our defenders
to join their fight against us.They’ll
use any disguise to fool our security forces.Once they get inside, they’ll rape and pillage.They’ll get ahold of our top secret
documents, read our blueprints, and engineer a sinister plan to destroy us from
within.Yes, they’ll reproduce
themselves and use our own defenses to launch their cloned armies.The audacity!This is a call to arms!Don’t gather
up your rifle, sword, pitchfork, mace, ice pick, or cudgel.No, toss them aside.They will do you no good.Instead, take up the microscope, Petri dish,
and syringe; for we wrestle not against man and beast, but against viruses,
against bacteria, against pathogens in the darkness of this inner world,
against parasitical wickedness in microscopic places.Our defenders must be right every time, but
the enemy has legions it can throw into battle—an indefatigable, inexhaustible,
and determined foe.Pestilence threatens, pandemic looms. Behold!These minuscule murderers, these rod-shaped
rogues, these beastly bacilli—why, they’d hide in the vomit of a mosquito or
the feces of a tick just to penetrate our walls!Murder most foul!They force us to vomit, grow feverish, break
out with pustules, lose our minds, and lose our dignity.The epidemics that have been the scourge of
humankind have started on battlefields within our groin and inside our
lungs.Our genetic code is largely a
record of the never-ending struggle against these microbial invaders, but don’t
get discouraged.Gird your loins with
the armor of science, and take upon your brow the helmet of knowledge.There’s a war going on!Are you ready for it?